Thursday, March 31, 2011

31 for 31

So it’s the last day of March and the last day of my commitment to write a post every day.  I have to say that it was definitely a challenge to find the time and the motivation to write something that frequently but I did it.  Yes there were a couple days when I posted at 12:15am the next morning or the one day I forgot to do an entry so I had to write two in one day but on this last day, there are 31 entries for the 31 days in March and I’m good with that.   I will admit that not every post was earth shattering but I made a commitment to writing and I stuck too it and that's all that matters. 
It’s a common saying that life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and for me, writing a novel is my marathon.  I know that sounds farfetched but if you really think about it, it makes sense.  You don’t just wake up one day and say, “Today I’m going to run 26 miles”.  You have to train and work up to that goal and most of the time, the hardest part of the preparation is getting started and creating a routine.  That’s exactly what I tried to do with this little challenge.   Train and create a routine.
In order to be better at something, you have to work at it.  Practice makes perfect.   This month, I wrote a lot of posts and tried to work on a lot of different things to continue to improve my writing.  Just like a runner, I was training.  Also, I got into a very comfortable rhythm of writing every day so hopefully moving forward, I will expect to write as part of my daily routine rather than have to force myself to sit down at the computer.   
 I really wanted to get used to pushing through the things that keep me from writing.  I knew I would have to dig a little deeper to find the motivation to break through the writer’s block and get past the distractions this month.  I know there will always be writer’s block and distractions but it will be up to me to not let them get to me. 
So good bye March!  You were a productive month and overall, a successful month.  Hopefully I will continue with the routine I've development but now I just have one question.  What do I do in April?
“There’s nothing to writing.  All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” – Walter Wellesley “Red” Smith

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