Monday, March 21, 2011

Enough is...

When is enough, enough?  Why do people who hurt you continue to try to do so?   Is it some kind of sick, twisted game in which the ultimate goal is to inflict as much pain as possible on someone for your own enjoyment? 
I’ve mentioned my last disaster of a relationship many times already but for reasons beyond my control, it just keeps coming up.  I’m so sick of him coming back! I don’t respond and I try to ignore it but he never seems to get the picture.  He hurt me, game over.  I learned a lot from that relationship but I also agreed to leave it completely behind me as of the first of this year.  However, no matter how hard I try to let it fade out of my life and become just a page in my history, it keeps reappearing in my present.  Why can’t I just be free? 
Most of the time relationships end for definite reasons.  There are usually fundamental issues that cause the demise of what you have together.  Resurrecting a relationship only brings up the reasons that it didn't work out in the first place.  In this particular case, I know exactly why it died and I have no desire to bring it back to life. I’ve been through the unanswered questions and I’ve realized that I no longer want answers because they don’t matter.  Going back would be insane.  Period.  End of sentance.  Start a new thought.  Start a new relationship. The only answer I need to know is to the question, “is he the one?”  That answer is a resounding no.  So I ask again, when is enough, enough?  How much does one person have to take before they get a break and break free completely?  When is enough, enough?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

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