Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Or Two Bad Apples Can't Ruin The Bunch

On Sunday I wrote about my disastrous volleyball experience and tonight as I entered the gym for my next game, I have to admit that I dreaded going through those doors.  I couldn’t take another night like that.  Not only was I still dealing with the sting of disappointment from this team, but I'm sick and have a ton going on this week so I had a very limited tolerance level and not a lot of patience for any foolishness. 
One hour later when I walked to my car, I found myself wondering who the team was that showed up tonight because there was no way that it was the same team that came on Sunday.  The team I watched tonight had heart.  They cared about the performance they put forth.   They focused on their own game rather than worrying about the other team.  More importantly, they showed signs of being a team that I would be happy to be associated with.
I realized tonight that the team as a whole is not the problem.  One or two people may be the issue but I think I can get to them.  For me, this year has been all about working on myself so maybe this is just one more thing that will challenge me.  This team will push me and probably frustrate me but tonight I saw potential.  I just hope they don’t let me down.
Two days ago, I was torn.  For a while, I seriously contemplated quitting.  I thought maybe I stuck around one year too long and I should have gone out on a high note last year.  The problem with that was that I’m not a quitter.  I made a commitment and sometimes you don’t get the ideal situation but you just have to man up and figure out how to deal with what you’ve been given.  A coach is supposed to be a leader and I am going to do my best to lead this team in the direction I would like them to go.   It’s only a lost cause if you give up on it. 
“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” – Publilius Syrus

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