Tuesday, March 22, 2011

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

After yesterday’s post, the craziness of relationships has been a reoccurring thought running through my mind.  How can two people who were in a relationship together have completely polar opposite views of the same situation?  When I was in my last relationship, I was 100% invested in it and spent years trying to get my ex to want me back but all he did was keep proving to me that I was replaceable.   He pushed me away time and time again until finally, he pushed me so far that I didn’t come back.  Now, I’m completely over it but he’s convinced that we would be the perfect relationship.  He claims that we were together at the wrong time in our lives but I think he must have hit his head on something because he’s completely delusional.  Him and I together bring a lot of words to mind but trust me, perfect isn’t one of them.  Seriously, how can two people be on such completely different pages in a story that they are practically reading different books? 
My current heart dilemma is an easy fix.  Too much has happened, too much time has passed, and I’ve had enough drama for one lifetime.  He can be the boy who cried love all he wants but maybe he should have loved a little more when he had the chance.  I’m done going backwards.  I’m moving forward.
However, I can’t help but think about why is it that you can love someone when they don’t love you back?  If relationship takes two people, how is it possible for those two people to be together but not have their feelings match up? Aren’t they having the same experiences and moments?  If you have such strong feelings for a person and those feelings aren’t returned, then who’s the one that is obviously missing something?  Are you nuts for feeling the way you are feeling?  Or is this person the insane one for not realizing how great you are and loving you back?  Do we only love things when we can’t have them?  Or can you love someone at one point in life and change your mind later on?  With all this gray area, is it really possible for an entire relationship to come down to such a black and white question like he loves me or he loves me not?  Somebody get me a daisy.
Unfortunately, plucking the petals of a flower to determine whether or not someone loves you is just far too logical.  I know how crazy that sounds but when you pull the last petal, whether you end up with love or love not, there is a definite answer.  There is no well maybe he kind of does answer or maybe he does today but that will change tomorrow option.  You’re not going end up wondering if he loves you or if he love the other girl who keeps sending him texts messages.  Ultimately, it’s either love or not. 
Relationships end everyday leaving people wondering what happened.  If only we could give them the stem of a daisy to answer their questions, however, in real life, we don’t get definite answers.  The truth is that we are all just making it up as we go along.  No playbook, no rules, and no flower solution to the mystery that is love.  Sometimes we get lucky and the people we love, love us back.  Sometimes we get really lucky and when they love us back, they don’t want to let us go. Unfortunately, there are also times when something is just missing and love doesn’t seem to materialize or it’s fleeting.  We can pluck all the flower pedals we want but regardless of the answer the plant gives us, reality is going to intervene.  There is no real answer to why some relationships work and some don’t.  All we can do is trust our instincts and get a helmet because life and love are tough.
“If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?” – Lily Tomlin

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