Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Day Die

Life can sometimes be difficult to explain or understand so we look for things that will help us cope with what we are going through.  I personally write a lot of my posts to be relatable.  For me it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one feeling they way I do sometimes and I hope that if you read them, there are times you find comfort in knowing you’re not alone either. 
Music also has the power to be relatable.  I’ve said it before but music can help express feelings or give you the words to say when you need them.   Today, I want to encourage everyone reading this to check out the music of a very talented artist named Matt Duke.  Matt’s album “One Day Die” was released yesterday and I have to say it’s fantastic!  In this album, he uses beautiful lyrics to power through some deep feelings and emotions.  From coping with death in “The Hour” to the end of love in “Love You Anymore” to coming to terms with the past in “MTL”, Matt is able to tackle some very heavy but relatable topics.  Maybe you won’t find anything in common with Matt’s music but I still urge you to give him a shot.  He’s got an amazing talent and I don’t think you will be disappointed with this album.
“For now the waking world can wait
To sing your blues away
And hope for better days
Pick an old song
Then we’ll dance in the dark
It’s that needle and thread
Stitch up my broken heart…”
-Needle and Thread, Matt Duke “One Day Die”

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