Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Round and Round

Life has been beyond insane lately!  All I do is rush and run around but tonight I got home with enough time to catch Glee’s latest episode and I have to say I loved the original music!   I’ve talked before about how music can be the sound track to your life and I think the Gleeks hit my current situation right on.
“What can you do when your good isn’t good enough,
All that you touch tumbles down.
My best intentions keep making a mess of things,
Just want to fix it somehow.
How many times will it take to get it right?”
-Rachel Berry, Glee

I feel like my life just plays the same story over and over sometimes.  The characters might change but the tale remains the same.  No matter how hard I try to change it, I keep spinning round and round in the same circle with no end in site.  The only bright side to things is that now, I’ve read the book so many times that I’m fully prepared for the ending, especially since it’s not the ending that I would like.  How many times will it take to get it right?

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