Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Brother

So I’m going to shock you all and not write something about sports today.  One of the things I hoped to accomplish this year was to establish a better relationship with my brother.  I have one sibling and to say that we haven’t gotten along in the past may be an understatement but I want to change that.
If you have a brother or sister and you are close to each other, I am jealous of you.  I want to be close to my brother but the differences between us have always kept us apart.  I will also admit that I’m very hard to get along with at times.  I hold him, like many people in my life, to exceptionally high standards and that’s not really fair to him. 
Tonight, we had the final game of our winter flag football season and I realized that maybe I was on the right track with him.  We are both very competitive people, especially me, and that makes it hard to play well  together, especially when it comes to athletics.  Tonight I realized that we made it a whole season working together and it went really well.   I think it helped that for the first time, we played with all his friends instead of on my turf but I would say we’ve come a long way and I think that we are definitely on the right road towards having the kind of relationship I hope to have with him. 
If you have a brother or sister, learn to enjoy them.  Sometimes it doesn’t come naturally but that doesn’t mean it will never happen.  They may irritate you at times or know exactly how to push your buttons but in the end, they are the ones who will be standing by you when you really need them.    
“Sometimes I want to kill Sarah but I would kill for her all the time.” – Cheaper by the Dozen

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