Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's All Greek To Me

I will be the first to admit that I don't watch quality television shows.  My DVR is loaded with episodes of Gossip Girl, the Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill and Pretty Little Liars just to name a few.  Basically I like cheesy teenage dramas and I’m ok with that.   Last night, my heart broke when I heard that one of my favorites would have its series finale next week. 
For those of you who don’t watch (and I’m sure that’s most of you), Greek is a show on ABC Family.  About four years ago we were introduced to the drama happening on Cyprus Roads University’s Greek Row.  The show centers around Casey Cartwright, the established upper classman who is immersed in her life at college, especially her role as sorority girl.  Rusty, Casey’s nerdy engineering major brother, is a freshman just looking to fit in and find the social scene he didn’t have in his past high school life.  The Cartwright’s along with a cast of other eccentric characters take on college life from inside the walls of a fraternity/sorority house.   Overall the show is one big mess of Greek letters branded on everything, late night parties, relationship drama, and the never ending search to find the true meaning of brotherhood and sisterhood.
I originally came across this show soon after I graduated from college and felt compelled to watch.  At that time I was missing my former life as a college student and sorority girl so it was nice to take a walk down memory lane every Monday night.   Next week, the show will air its last episode and as the cast ends their story, Casey, who calls Cyprus Roads and Zeta Beta Zeta her home, will be forced to leave it behind.  In last night’s episode, when a sorority alum came back to Cyprus, she brought to Casey’s attention that there is a life beyond Greek Row.  This former siser had changed, she had grown and she wasn’t the only one.  Everyone around Casey had changed too because thats what people do.  The only one who hadn't evolved was Casey.  She realized that life can’t stay the same forever and the things that mattered so much to her for the last four years were no longer that important, just memories.      
The fights, the feuds, the loves and the heartbreaks of our lives are all just that, memories.  I look at my college friends and think how different we were back when all we cared about were frat parties and formals.  Everyone has grown and evolved for better or worse.  College sweethearts have become husbands, wives, fiancés, or exes.  Some have given birth to new legacies or pursued new degrees.  The Greek letter t-shirts that we practically lived in have become blankets, gym shirts, or cleaning rags and 2 am might still exist but I’m sure many of us can’t remember that last time we have seen it.  The one thing that does remain are the memories and if we are lucky, the bonds that will keep us together as friends.  
 We all have to change in order to grow up, so eventually, we just have to move on.  Sometimes we may wish we could turn back time or stay at a certain stage of life but the truth is that life never stops moving and all we can do is our best to keep up with it.  Sometimes we will walk with it or jog along but most of the time we will have to run to keep pace with it as it flies by.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiousity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney

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