Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Give It Up

So I would classify myself as Catholic but I wouldn’t say that I’m overly religious.  My theory on religion is that I like the idea of believing that there is someone larger than life looking out for me or that you can turn to when you need somewhere to go.  Today is the start of Lent and I have to say that is a religious tradition that I think we can all learn from.
Vices.  We all have vices.  Vices can be things that we know are bad for us or things that we shouldn’t be doing but do anyways.  Vices can also be things that over indulge in.  Lent is all about giving up those types of vices.   It’s all about promising to go without something that we really might enjoy in order to show that we can make a sacrifice.
Catholic or not, we can all use a little cleansing in our lives.  Sometimes I think we become too dependent on things.  Food becomes a form of comfort.  Drinks become a copping mechanism or a necessity for a fun night.  TV or Facebook are technology addictions that can sometimes be more powerful and life crippling than most drugs.  Giving up these things can help us grow as people.
I've given up a lot of things over the years.  When I was little, I used to try to get my mom to let me give up school.  My brother and I used to give up ice cream every year because my mom would promise us sundaes at Friendly's at the end of lent.  This year I’m giving up soda to start.  I drink too much of it.  I crave it.  I wish I didn’t but it’s hard for me to go without it when I have an urge for it.  It may not seem like much but it will be a true test of my will power if I can go the next 40 days without it.  Maybe I'll give up something else along the line but for now I definitely want to start with soda.
So what are you giving up for Lent?  A little sacrifice is good for the mind, body and the soul.  Think about it and make a commitment to go 40 days without something you love.  See if you can do.  It might be harder than you think! 
“I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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