Friday, March 4, 2011

Conquering the I-4

Well we made it to Clearwater.   David and I in our Chevy Impala rental car went the distance.   After a day trip to Universal Studios and eating at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, we hit the I-4 and traveled the 103 miles to Clearwater, FL.  Needless to say, I’m now exhausted. 
But I did say I would write something every day in the month of March so here’s a thought for today.  I have a fear of driving.  I don’t like driving other people’s cars or driving in unfamiliar places but today as I drove down the highway, singing along to country music, I couldn’t remember exactly why I was so afraid.  My fear started because I had a few accidents but should we let a few setbacks hold us back?  If we get a few bad grades on tests, do we drop out of school?  When you go through a bad break up, do you give up on finding love forever?  If you break your arm playing sports, do you just quit playing all together?
If I don’t get over my fear of driving, I will never go anywhere.  Today I took a big step outside of my comfort zone and it really felt so silly to me that I was ever afraid in the first place.  I can’t spend my whole life being afraid that I’ll get in another accident or that I will get lost in some strange place.  This afternoon, I conquered the I-4 and in turn, conquered my irrational fear. 
Our lives are full of irrational fears.  Sure some negative things may have happened to you but that doesn’t mean that they should hinder your life.  Ultimately, when you face them head on, you realize just how ridiculous the phobia truly is.
“Always do what you are afraid to do.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

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