Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Walk To Remember

I woke up this morning to a tapping at my window.  I sleepily rolled over to try to ignore it but it didn’t stop.  As I looked at the clock, I noticed that it was only 6am on a Sunday but it was clear that regardless of the time, the tapping was not going to go away.  So I got up and ventured to the window to see who was so desperate to wake me from my slumber.
Outside through the early morning darkness, I saw him.  It was rain.  It was ironic that he paid me a visit this morning because I was just talking about him last night.   His ears must have been burning!  He beckoned to me to come out and join him.  I knew there was no sense in resisting so I got dressed and went outside. 
I walked through the streets of my little town with him.  The buildings and houses were dark and the roads were faintly lit by the florescent glow of the street lamps.  It was an unseasonably warm December morning for our stroll and rain took me by the hand, as he had done so many times before, and we walked.  The soft drops fell quickly, cascading down my face and saturating my hair but I didn’t mind at all. It was the perfect walk with an old friend.
But just as I prepared to bid my companion goodbye, rain decided that he hadn’t had enough of me yet.  I reached in my pocket only to find that my apartment keys were no longer there causing me to have to repeat my walk.  At this point, I was a little mad at my good friend.  We had had a lovely morning and now he was pushing it.  Rain knew I was not happy with his little practical joke so as I headed back home for the second time, he lightened up his deluge and transformed himself into a soft sprinkle. 
He knew I couldn’t stay mad at him.  This time I gripped my keys for dear life but I still took pleasure in splashing through the puddles that rain had so nicely laid out just for me.  The cars whizzing by probably thought I was nuts and looked like a drowned rat but I didn’t care.  It was my walk with rain and they just didn’t understand our relationship.
You see most people think that rain is dark and dreary but that’s where they’re wrong.  Rain just needs someone to come out and play with him.  He’s not always there but when he does stop by he wants you to come splash in his puddles and dance in his drizzle.  Great things can happen in the rain but the best part about it is that rain just happens.  You can’t conjure it up or force it.  You just have to wait and trust that one day the rain will come and with it, the magic.
This might not be my normal type of post but today I just felt like I wanted to share my rainy day :)  Enjoy your Sunday!!
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton

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