Thursday, December 16, 2010

On The Edge Of Adventure

About 4 years ago I went cliff jumping in Vermont.  It was definitely one of the most daring things I have done in my life and something I never expected to do.  I remember climbing the cliff that I was about to jump off of thinking how amazing it was going to be.  However, when I got to the top, I froze thinking how stupid it actually was.  I watched three or four people launch themselves off the ledge and plummet into the water below.  As I stood there, I couldn’t help but think of all the things that could go wrong.  What if the water wasn’t deep enough?  What if I didn’t jump out far enough? Could I really drown?  It took me ten minutes of pondering the downsides to finally gather up the courage to take the leap and of course, I lived to tell the tale.
Last night I found myself metaphorically back out on that ledge, looking down and contemplating taking a plunge into the great unknown.  This time I wasn’t on the edge of a cliff in Vermont but rather on a phone call that could provide me with another exciting and possibly terrifying adventure.  It took me 35 minutes to charm my interviewers and by 6:10pm on December 15th 2010, I was officially being offered the opportunity of a lifetime.
I have been thinking of all the major commitments I wanted to make this year and with that one phone call I could cross two things off my list.  First off, volunteer for Habitat For Humanity.  I have a friend who has done some work for them and she has inspired me to get involved. It is an amazing organization that provides housing for those who need it.   The process involves volunteers as well as the future home owners working together to accomplish the task of building a home.   I like the idea of being part of something bigger than just myself and leaving my mark on the world by giving someone else the opportunity to change their life.  I feel that this is something I could be very passionate about and it will challenge me to learn a new skill and work harder than I may ever have before. 
The second thing I will get to do is a little larger than taking on yet another volunteer position.  I want to put another stamp in my passport.  While I have done a great deal of traveling over the years, I still have so many places that I want to visit.  Habitat was willing to give me that opportunity.  It would be a two week trip through their global village volunteer program and I would get to go somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. 
So as I stood on the edge of the cliff, I once again had all the negatives and downsides swirling around in my head.  How would I pay for the trip?  Would I be able to take that much time off of work?  Am I really capable of building a house?  But this time, I didn’t need 10 minutes to contemplate and when the gentleman on the other end of the phone said, “Would you like to come to New Zealand?”, I responded instantly “YES!” 
I accepted with no hesitation, no regrets, and no fear.  Sure the obstacles are still there but they are out weighted by one very important pro.  I want this.  I am confident that I will be able to make this trip happen.  I will raise or save the money.  I have the vacation time and I can’t think of a better way to use it.  Construction may not be my background but I will learn. 
If I let these things hold me back, then I would miss out on getting all the benefits that this unexpected adventure could offer me.  I will have the chance to meet new people from all different places and backgrounds when we come together as a team to create something for someone who deserves it.  It is an opportunity to see another part of the world and not just as a tourist but rather up close and in the community.  I will experience the culture and the lifestyle and see things that I would never have gotten to see if I just took this trip as a vacation.
It’s scary standing out there on the ledge of a cliff but I am ready to jump and plummet down into the water below.  I am leaving all the pros and cons behind me and just going for it.  I am confident that this will be a life changing experience and I will not regret my decision.  I won't drown. I am an excellent swimmer so bring on the water!
 “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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