Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back to Me

This week has been beyond crazy for me!  I had a ton of work to do, I was throwing a party, the holidays were creeping up and there was still so much shopping left to be done and I had commitments practically every night.  I definitely felt the stress taking its toll at several points and I know I couldn’t have made it through the week without my old friend Tony.
I’m kind of a type A over achiever/perfectionist, so I prefer to do things myself because then they can be done exactly how I want them to be.  However, by insisting that I handle everything, I often bite off a little more than I can chew.  This is where the stress comes into play.  Stress is an all too familiar feeling in my world but sometimes when life gets a little crazy and out of control, it’s nice to know how to bring myself back to being centered. 
I discovered Tony Lucca’s music when I was somewhere between high school and college and I instantly fell in love.  Nobody ever knows who he is but trust me; he’s an incredibly talented musician.  It’s the combination of his mellow style of music and beautiful lyrics that draw me to his songs.  There is just something about putting on some Tony Lucca that has the ability to completely calm me down and I can get lost in the music.  Over the years, Tony’s music has become like a very familiar friend that I can always count on when I need him to be there for me.  He’s songs have gotten me through break ups, break downs, and all the other drama in between.   This week, I listened to his music in order to get into a more mellow state of mind.  I had to shut out the world so I could focus and I needed a little help from Tony to do that.
It is important that when we are stressed or hurt or angry, that we find an outlet that can bring us back to feeling like us again.  Maybe you find comfort in music or movies.  Maybe it's books or working out or shopping that do it for you.  Whatever it is, we all need something that can calm the craziness in our lives and give us a retreat from the drama.  I think around this time of year especially, we need to rely on the things that give us a sense of statuary from all the holiday stresses.  I encourage each one of you to look for something that helps you escape from your problems if only for a little while.  Something that you feel is exactly what you need to regain your composure when you are feeling overwhelmed or just simply out of control.  
To inspire all of you to look for your own comforts, I am going to share my top Tony Lucca songs playlist.  His music might not have the same kind of affect for you that it does for me but hopefully it will make you think about the things that can bring you back to a better, more balanced place.  And if not, at least you get to listen to some great songs J
1)      Honestly for You – If I ever get married, I will fight to get this as my wedding song J
2)      Darlin’ I - Love, love, love this song.
3)      White Morning
4)      Some Other Time
5)      It’s You - AMAZING song and one of my all time favorites!
6)      Starting Over
7)      True Story – Listen to the HS sweetheart who became a movie star part. It’s Kerri Russell.
8)      Catch Me
9)      The Hustler, The Widow, and The Boy From Detroit
10)   Long Love Letter
11)   New York City
12)   Bad Guy
13)   Nobody But You
14)   Death of Me
15)   Pretty Things
I think that’s good enough but trust me I could go on for days with this list!
“Everyday I tell myself I’m sane, like a water color painter painting in the rain.” – Melancholy Collar, Tony Lucca

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