Thursday, December 30, 2010

Part Three: Personal Growth

Ok we are on to the third and final part of this whole process which may be the most important part. I’ve termed this section Personal Growth.  This stage is much different than then the other two.  There is no time limit on this part like Letting Go because you should always be moving forward and growing as a person.  There is no check list like with Unexpected Adventures because so much of this part of the process is intangible and can’t just be crossed off a list.  While both of those parts contribute to my Personal Growth, this section is all about figuring out who I will become. 
There are so many questions in my life right now but ultimately it all boils down to what comes next.  I need to figure out where I’m heading.  Maybe I won’t be able to determine a destination yet but I need to at least make sure that I’m facing the right direction.  There are several things I can’t change and questions that will be answered in time but right now I want to focus on me and let everything else come together on its own. 
The ultimate goal of this stage is to help myself become a more well rounded person.  I want to push myself physically, mentally and emotionally beyond what I think I’m capable of.   I hope to step outside of my comfort zone and dive into new arenas.  Who knows, I may find something I really love or at least find out more about myself.  This step is not as easy to explain as the other two but I urge you all to keep checking in and let the results speak for themselves.
To recap, with Letting Go, I will gain clarity.  With Unexpected Adventures, I will gain experience.  With Personal Growth, I will aim to be the best version of myself.   With all three parts, I will break down the limits that have been built up in my life and figure out how I want to live.  I will be the one in the driver’s seat.  I hope to find the balance between doing the things I want to do and the things I have to do.   This whole process is really all about focusing in on change, making commitments and following through with them, and learning to live life without unnecessary expectations or rules. 
“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” – Lao Tzu

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