Sunday, December 5, 2010

Remember the Care Bears?

Since I’ve started this blog, I’ve used facebook as my main tool to post notices promoting it and this week I’ve been really inspired by something that the social networking site is doing.  Facebook is encouraging all its members to replace their current pictures with pictures of their favorite childhood cartoon characters to raise awareness for the growing issue of violence towards children. 
Child abuse is unfortunately an issue in our society and one that maybe we don’t see every day, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.  Abuse can take many different forms.  Physically you can see bruises but when it comes to emotional abuse or neglect, the wounds and signs are harder to detect.  It is an issue that is anything but black and white and often it is not easy to tell exactly who is capable of being abusive.  Abuse can happen in all types of families and relationships, even some you would never have expected. No matter what shape or form abuse takes, it is something that we should always strive to fight against but when it comes to children, it is exceptionally important that we as adults do whatever we can to help with the cause. 
It’s a common expression that children should be seen and not heard but I think that we should be the ones encouraging kids to find their voices.  As adults, children look to us as role models and use our actions and opinions to help shape their own lives.  We should be the ones helping them to figure out who they want to become while also allowing them enjoy the naïve, innocent experiences of their childhoods.  Abuse takes away their innocence.  Many kids have no voice.  They can’t fight back because they don’t know how to do it.  We have the ability to help change that.
Maybe it’s as simple as changing your facebook picture in support of the cause or maybe you will be inspired to do more.  I was.   This morning as I looked at all the profile pictures that had been changed, I realized that preventing violence against children is something I would really like to support and currently I have the time to do that.  For years, my mom has worked with an organization called Laurel House.  This is a group completely devoted to helping women and children who are victims of domestic violence and has a vision of ending this violence in each life, home and community.  Today I sent an email offering my services as a volunteer and look forward to being able to work with such a worthy organization.
Find your passion.  Life is nothing if we don’t have passion for the things that we are doing.  For me, right now I’m passionate about cancer research and children’s causes but for you it might be animal rights, AIDS prevention, helping the homeless, or aiding the victims of natural disasters.  You could find your passion in being a parent or a spouse or maybe it’s your career that drives you to be the best version of yourself.  Maybe you would rather devote yourself to something athletic and challenge everything you think you are capable of to complete a marathon or triathlon. 
Whatever it is that you choose to devote yourself to, put your whole heart into it.   The things you are passionate about may change day to day, year to year, or simply change as your life evolves but don’t ever let that fire to achieve things, make a difference, or just be great burn out. 
For those of you interested in finding a cause to devote your time to, I suggest checking out a great website that I found.   Please visit to search volunteer opportunities in your area.  And if you haven't already done so, change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon character in support of stopping violence against children.  I chose the Care Bears but find something that you loved and let it represent you for a few days.  You have until December 6th so don't hesitate!
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela
 Everyone deserves a chance to be a kid :)  Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped make my childhood a great one!

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