Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Ask Why

Have you ever asked the question “Why Me?”  When you ask this question, is there ever really an acceptable answer to put yourself or your worries at ease?  We constantly wonder why things happen to us, especially when they are negative, but do we actually want to know the answers?
Throughout my life I’ve asked myself why millions, if not billions, of times.  In most cases, I know the why but it easier to play dumb as more of a defense mechanism because you don't want to admit to the real reasons why something happened.  Then there are the times when you are thrown much larger issues with no real clear answers making the why completely unattainable.
The other day, I witnessed a why me situation and as I struggled to help someone else find the answer to that question, I realized that knowing the why doesn’t always bring the comfort we seek.  Maybe we ask why because we don’t know what else to ask. 
We want answers because we don’t understand but we feel the need to.  If we get the answers, do they really end up making us feel better?  Knowing why something happened might give us a reason but it doesn’t erase what happened.  Sometimes those whys can't be answered and if that's the case and we never get the answer we seek, will we ever truly be able to accept the fact that the question may simply be rhetorical?
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." -Yogi Berra

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