Monday, April 25, 2011


I love to read.  I love being able to step into the shoes of a character and disappear into their world.  It’s make believe at its finest.  Well last week, I picked up the book “Something Borrowed” by Emily Giffin because I really wanted to read it before the movie version came out and today as I was reading the last few chapters, I stumbled upon a passage that stood out in my head. 
The main character of this novel is Rachel, a love challenged 30 year old girl struggling to come to terms with the fact that in life and love things are hardly black and white.  At one point, when trying to deal with another bump in the road of her life, she says, “Maybe the thing to do after you roll the dice – and lose – is simply pick them up and roll them again”.  It’s an interesting thought but one I think sums up my present state pretty well. 
Right now I’m rolling the dice, again.  So far I haven't had that lucky streak but as I wait for them both to fall and reveal my magic number, I must admit that I’m excited.  I’m probably more excited than I’ve ever been in my entire life.  I have no idea what I’m doing for the first time since I can remember and no desire to stress myself out trying to formulate a plan.  Today I realized just how unbelievable that is.
Sometimes there is blissfulness in being naïve.  Not knowing everything is refreshing.  Not expecting things but just taking things as they come can lift weights off your shoulders.  We can stress or plan or prep or prepare for life but we often forget to factor in a little luck or chance which happens to be a huge part of the equation.  Rolling the dice can be scary but maybe it can bring you something truly unexpected and amazing.  Serendipity!
“Serendipity.  Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs that what you thought you were looking for.” – Lawrence Block

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