Thursday, April 7, 2011

If You're Happy And You Know It

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you feel different?  It’s the kind of day where you go about your normal life and at some point you realize that you are smiling for no apparent reason.  Nothing has really changed overnight, your life is still the same as it was yesterday, and all the issues and problems that you went to bed with are still present but for some unexplained reason today you are just…happy.
Of course we will have the days in our lives where something wonderful or exciting happens making them days we will always remember or there will be the days where things happen to make them become days we would rather forget but with on those days, there is a reason to be happy or sad.  Now I know that being happy on any given day is not a great achievement but I think most days, no matter how much we love our lives, we are pretty much indifferent.  By that I mean there are a good number of days where we go through our typical routines and nothing really special happens to us.  It’s just another ordinary, average kind of day. 
If you find yourself smiling for no good reason or excited for nothing in particular, I say run with it.  Maybe we aren’t meant to know exactly what we are happy about but rather just enjoy the feeling.  Hopefully good things are coming or maybe it is just the calm before the storm but either way, at this particular moment, you are happy.  Maybe the day will be more than just another ordinary, average kind of day, even if it doesn’t seem like it. 
Outside the weather is kind of gloomy, I have a million things on my mind, but something is just different with me today.  I know it won’t last but I think I’m going to enjoy it while I can J
“Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.” – Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. love days like that. they don't happen really often but when they do i try to relish them!
