Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Power Of Suggestion

So last Saturday I asked the question what comes next.  Now I know I’ve pondered that question over and over again in terms of my life but at that point I was referring to something much less important.  Two weeks in a row, two horoscopes in Life and Style magazine, two dead on predictions.  It was all looking pretty good in my world.  So much so that I felt like I needed to spend the $2.99 to get a copy of this week’s magazine.  Well, I think it’s pretty safe to say that this week’s horoscope is definitely a swing and a miss!
Pisces:  Big changes in your love life have you considering throwing caution to the wind and taking a crazy chance.  Let yourself have a little fun.
It’s honestly a nice thought but since my love life is basically nonexistent and has been for the better part of three or four years now, I’m not thinking that the all knowing gossip rag is going to be right about this being the week that it will all magically change.  Of course I know anything can happen at any moment and life can change in an instant but the odds are stacked against me here.  I’m currently on a boy break which is actually working out quite well for me and when it comes to love, I’m about as lucky as someone who broke a mirror, had a black cat cross their path, and walked under a ladder all on the same day.  Maybe at the end of the week I will be eating those words but something tells me the only guaranteed thing that can be predicted for me this week is that I will have wasted $2.99 on a copy of Life and Style Magazine when the same gossip will be printed in the US Weekly that I get delivered to me every week in the mail. 
But as always we can learn something here.  It’s probably pretty unlikely that our fate can be predicted in a magazine or newspaper but maybe it can just help us to make our own fortunes.  Maybe these predictions aren’t exactly far off guesses at our future but rather ideas and thoughts that we should swirl around in our heads and act on from time to time.  A horoscope gives us a prediction and sometimes all we need is someone (or in this case something) to give us a suggestion to help make us more willing to go for things. 
“Who needs astrology?  A wise man gets by on fortune cookies.” – Edward Abbey (should have gone with the cookie.  It probably tastes better than the magazine.)

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