Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Landing In The Roses

There are some people in this world who always seem to have everything together.  It’s like all the pieces in their lives seem to just fall into place and fit into this perfect package, all neatly wrapped up and tied together with a pretty bow.  It’s as if no matter what happens to them, these types of people always seem to land in the roses.  I am not one of these people.
As you can tell from my blog, I am a bit more of the scattered, confused, and always a few pieces short of a complete puzzle type.  I don’t usually land in the roses but rather in the dirt right beside them.  I have never had everything completely wired and I am very realistic over the fact that I never will. 
I noticed a lot lately when looking at the people in my life, who is landing in the sweet smelling flowers and who is destined to be constantly digging their way out of the dirt with me.  To the people in my same constant state of life chaos, I say perfect is overrated! 
Maybe our lives can’t be all neat and organized but maybe that’s because what we want out of life isn’t always that easy to get.  Who said you can’t have greatness?  Who said you don’t get it?  Some people are happy playing the hand they were dealt but maybe we are meant to gamble a bit and play a few rounds until we decide to go all in. 
Landing in the roses might sound like a more appealing option but keep in mind that roses have thorns and at any time, those that land in them could get pricked.  When you land in the dirt, you may always be a bit messy and get some bumps and bruises along the way but you will ultimately get up and brush yourself off.  So here’s to crazy and different!  Here’s to big dreams and wide open roads with no maps to guide us.  Here’s to no plans and no idea what we are doing.
“You see things and say, ‘Why?’, but I dream things and say, ‘Why not?’” – George Bernard Shaw

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