Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gone Fishing

Over the past few months, I’ve somehow stumbled upon the idea that a relationship is pretty much what my life is lacking.  It all just started to seem like everyone was only concerned about my relationship status or lack thereof, and it’s become a huge focus in my mind.  Yes I would like a like a relationship but I’ve realized that there are a lot of other things that I want and obsessing about boys seems to be just one more thing that will derail me.  So I’m out.   
I ended last year attempting to deal with all my relationship baggage so that I could start this year fresh with no ties to my past hoping that what I was holding on to was what was keeping me from finding my next great love.  This year I tired internet dating and fix ups but ultimately nothing has really panned out.  The root of my problem is that I am a magnet for unavailable guys.  I don’t try to be but every guy I encounter that I’m interested in has some kind of issue on his end that stands in the way of having a chance at us living happily ever after.  Got a girlfriend?  Live in a different state?  Have commitment issues?  Are you weighted down with emotional baggage?  If you answered yes to any or all of the above, you are more than likely interested in me, however I know that at the end of the story, I don’t win and I’m tired of reading the same book over and over again. 
I just think I need a little break from all this.  In order to commit fully to figuring out what is next for me, I have to let go of the idea that a guy will get me to that next step.  I wrote a post before about how giving things up for a while is good for us and I think that I am going to take my own advice on this one.  I deactivated the internet profile this morning and I’m officially off the market.  I’m done looking and obsessing. 
If you are reading this and you are relationship challenged like me, think about how much time you waste just stressing about an ex or trying to get him back.  Think about how many nights you ruin going out in hopes of meeting someone and you find yourself disappointed when that's not what happens.  Why are we wasting time when we could be using that time and energy for something that will better ourselves or our lives?  I want to put that time towards something a little more productive for me. 
So today is day one of my boy vacation.  Put up the gone fishing sign because when it comes to dating, I’m not available.  Maybe I will change my mind or my break in the relationship action will be short lived but for right now I need to eliminate distractions and get my focus back.
“A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking.” – Earl Wilson

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