Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Christmas

When it comes to Christmas, I have a typical shopping pattern.  I start out strong on Black Friday making several quality purchases and continue on my shopping high for the next couple weeks until I find myself pretty much done with most of the people on my list usually around mid December.  Then as I search for those more difficult people that you just never know what to buy for, I tend to spot all kinds of great gifts for people I’ve already finished, which I of course I purchase because maybe I didn’t get them enough.  By the time December 25th rolls around, I’ve spent way more money than I wanted and grossly over bought for certain people.  Well this year I find myself at the beginning of my overbuying cycle and I’m determined to break through the madness this Christmas. 
Over the weekend, I realized I was done shopping.  Done, finished, over.  As of last night, I am finished wrapping too.  It’s only December 13th.   This leaves me plenty of time to rethink purchases or just happen to see something else I have to get someone.  This is the most dangerous time of the year for me.  The odds of me avoiding malls or stores are pretty slim (shopping is my cardio) and the advertisements on TV and in magazines will always be enticing, so I’ve come up with a really great plan.  I’m going to divert my holiday focus from shopping to this blog (who’s excited now?!).
Ironically, tomorrow will be 12 days until Christmas so I’m giving myself a project.  For the next 12 days, I am going to write a blog post.  Let's call it my own version of the 12 days of Christmas.  Each day I will do something and write about it or recognize something or someone I’m thankful for in my life.  By doing this, I will keep myself busy and in turn save myself from my shopaholic tendencies.  They say the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem so let’s hope my little 12 step program keeps me from falling back into old habits.
“Christmas is as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.” – Janice Maeditere

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