Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12 O’clock Lunch Date

Well it's the twelfth day of Christmas and today I got to have a very special 12pm lunch date…with my grandma. 
A few months ago, my grandma left the home that she had lived in for over 30 years and moved into a retirement community.  It was a change that she had to make more so than one she wanted to make and it’s really been a difficult one for her.  Ultimately, I think it was the right move for her because I never really liked the idea of her being alone all the time but she might not agree with me if you asked her.  Well today was her Christmas luncheon and families were invited so I attended the function as her date.
This really isn’t a big thing to do because it’s something you should do for your family but as I looked around at some of the faces of the senior citizens who lived at the facility and didn’t have any one there to be their date, I felt horrible thinking how alone some of those people are.  It made me realize how blessed I am to have a good relationship with my grandma and so many wonderful people in my life that I came up with the perfect lesson to share in my blog today.
Maybe you have a senior citizen in your life or anyone really who might be alone this holiday season and could use a call or visit from you just to make them see that they really aren’t by themselves.  Life is tough at times and it’s even harder when you have to take all the pressure and responsibly on by yourself because you don’t have someone that can share that burden or that you can lean on.  No one is asking you to solve their problems but sometimes it's just nice to talk or in my case, have lunch.  So on this 12th day of Christmas, I had a 12pm lunch date that will hopefully inspire you to go out and spend some of your time with someone who might need some company this holiday season.  Maybe even give them just 12 minutes J 

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