Saturday, December 24, 2011

2 Birthday Boys

When you think about on all the Christmas’ you’ve had in your life, can you really remember all the presents you got?  Most of the time it’s a blur of gift wrap filled with items that will be replaced the following year because you will outgrow them or styles will change.  At the time the gift was probably exactly what you wanted and seemed like the greatest thing in the world but ultimately it will be forgotten as time goes by.  However, in all the Christmas memories, there are those extra special gifts that you just can’t forget.
 28 years ago, I got a gift from my parents that’s been practically impossible to forget.  The truth is that if I try to forget it, my present will open it’s mouth and remind me of his presence.  If you haven’t guessed it already, all those Christmas’ ago, I got a baby brother.
This has been the most interesting present I’ve gotten for Christmas and there are times I wish I could find the receipt and see about an exchange but ultimately having my brother has been pretty fantastic.  It’s definitely not a bike, a fancy piece of jewelry, or the new “it” electronic item but the upside is that he keeps changing with the times making it almost impossible to outgrow him.
So on this 2nd day of Christmas, when the world recognizes the birth of one great man, I get to pay tribute to the birth of another great person.  Without this Christmas gift 28 years ago, my life would never have been the same and I wouldn’t have had anyone to torture or blame things on growing up (not sure how much he enjoyed that!).  The truth is, no matter what our differences, he's the only brother I'll ever have and I'm lucky to have him.  When it comes down to it, it will alway be us agains the world and i'm pretty glad he's on my team.   So happy birthday to two people today who were destined to do great things!

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