Friday, December 16, 2011

10 Little Pick Me Ups

Today was a really crappy day.  I mean it was the kind of day that took sucked to a whole new level which left me really lacking the motivation to write something up beat and happy for my 10th day of Christmas.  Even though my stress was work induced,  I thought about it and this time of year can often be an overwhelming time for people.  While the holidays are supposed to be a joyous season, sometimes they can leave us feeling a little less than holly jolly so why not devote my 10th day of Christmas to my favorite pick me ups. 
A pick me up is something that can change your mood.  It’s a comfort when you need something enjoyable to balance out all the unpleasant things you came in contact with.  They are just your life’s little pleasures.  So in the words of the great Julie Andrews, “these are a few of my favorite things”, 10 of my favorite things to be exact:
1)      Quality time with good friends – there is nothing better than laughing when you need a laugh or venting when you just want to scream so having good friends around to be there can lift you out of your funk.
2)      Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream – I think this one explains itself J
3)      Country Music – There is just something relaxing and fun about country music that it’s hard to stay in a bad mood while you are listening to it.  Try to say miserable while listening to “Chicken Fried” by Zac Brown Band or “Red Solo Cup” by Toby Keith and I doubt it will be possible.
4)      Chinese food – it’s definitely not good for you but when you’re feeling down, sometimes you have to throw dietary caution into the wind and indulge.
5)      A “Go To” Movie – We all have those movies we could watch over and over again without ever getting sick of them.  They are movies that just make us smile or that we can get lost in leaving our problems behind us for a few hours.  For me it’s Serendipity and Center Stage.  Nothing like a RomCom about fate and good cheesy dance flick to lift your spirits.
6)      Manicures – Sometimes just doing something to pamper yourself can make all the bad stuff from the day melt away.
7)       US Weekly – This is a total guilty pleasure but trashy gossip magazines are a great way to see that other people have issues too. 
8)      Jump on a treadmill – I don’t love working out but when I’ve had a long day, sometimes there is nothing better than just sweating all the stress out of your body.  Running is a great way to clear your head.
9)      Get Comfy – It may be completely simple but when life gets to be too much, throw on that accent sweatshirt that you refuse to throw away because it is broken in so perfectly or those sweatpants that just feel so soft when you wear them.  It’s the simplest of pleasures that can change everything.  Light some candles, take a deep breath, and just enjoy the comfort. 
10)   Grab a cup of coffee – I love coffee and somehow it’s a caffeinated drink that has the ability to relax me and calm me down.  Tea can be a mood changer too.
So those are just ten simple pick me ups that work for me.  Hopefully if you having a rough day or holiday season, you will use some of these or be inspired to find some of your own to make things better.  It doesn’t always take a lot to turn a bad day into a better day.

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