Friday, December 30, 2011

The Bigger Picture

The end of every year gives us a good excuse to look back on where we’ve been and contemplate where we want to go.  Have we lived up to our full potential?  Are we holding on to things that may be holding us back?  Is it time to think about repairing strained relationships or cutting ties all together?  Are we happy?  As we approach the final day of 2011, we are practically powerless to resist the temptation to ponder the bigger picture. 
For me personally, the past year has been one big reflection on both my current state of affairs and the direction I want to be heading in.  This year I let go of my plans and pretty much threw everything I thought I wanted out the window in hope of finding all the things I never knew I always wanted.  Ultimately, I had my highs and lows but I learned life is less about plotting and planning every moment and more about making it up as you go along.  There is no road map, instruction manual, or checklist to follow because we are meant to stray off course.  We are meant to find the unexpected. 
So as you look back on what 2011 was all about for you and think forward to what you want from 2012, I hope that whatever you decide to do, you will hold nothing back.  Don’t look back on 2011 and dwell on what you could have done, should have said, or would have been but remember all that this year actually was for you.   Moving forward, let life you take you where it is going to and have no regrets.  Remember that “what ifs” are only questions that you were too scared to take the risk to find out the answers to. 
“The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take.” – Unknown

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