Monday, October 3, 2011

Real Men Wear Pink

Real Men Wear Pink
Yesterday, I spent the day with my Uncle John and I was inspired to write a little bit about the men behind the women who fight against breast cancer.
Throughout my aunt’s battle with breast cancer, my uncle stood by her side going above and beyond to make sure that she was taken care of.  I fully believe that it was his care and attention to detail that allowed her to live as long as she did with this disease.  He isn’t afraid to wear pink.  Are you?
Behind every great woman is a man who supports her.  Maybe he is the man who takes her to treatments or makes sure she takes her medication.  He might be the man who drives her to her doctor’s appointments or the one who takes care of her when she is in the hospital.  He could be the one buying her the wig when she loses her hair, holding her hair back when the treatments make her sick, or listening to her when she is scared.  No matter what he is doing, he is a real man and real men wear PINK!
Instead of quotes, this month I am putting a link to the page for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Make a donation to help fight against this terrible disease and get your pink on!  Want to credit your donation to me?  Search for my name as a walker when you click on this link!  Don'the know my name?  Make a donation to walk anyway and show your support for the cause!

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