Monday, October 17, 2011


9/2 – Part One
Well I am getting ready to leave New Zealand.  I’ll board the plane around 1pm on September 2nd and arrive in LA at 6:30am on September 2nd.  Needless to say this is looking to be the longest day ever, but as I sit here in Auckland airport waiting to start my journey home, I have plenty of time to reflect on just how much has happened since I arrived at this terminal two weeks ago. 
It’s almost appropriate that I arrive back in the US on the same day I leave New Zealand.  For the last two weeks it’s been like I’ve been living a completely different life than the one I’m used to but in about 13 hours I will be right back to where I started as if I haven’t missed a second.  It’s only been two weeks but I feel like it’s been another lifetime because nothing about this trip was similar to my everyday life.  I learned some new skills and a lot about myself.  I met new people and saw things I may have never gotten to see if hadn’t decided to take this adventure.  The truth is I’ve pretty much told you everything I’ve done and my thoughts on it in my other posts so I won’t repeat myself but I will say that if I can give you any advice from this whole experience its learn to jump.
When I first applied to the Habitat for Humanity Global Village program, I equated it to standing on a cliff and contemplating jumping off.  Even though you’ve watched others do it and you know the water is down below, there are a million visions of the things that could potentially go wrong running through your mind keeping you from taking that leap into the unknown.  This trip was definitely one of those “jumping” situations. 
Sometimes you have to put yourself out there, take the risk and see what happens.  Sure there is always the chance that things can turn out badly but that’s the nature of a risk.  Things can go wrong when we get in a car or walk down the street too but we blindly do those things without second guessing them, however, when it comes to doing something unconventional, we think it through intensely.  We weigh every factor and outline the pros and cons until we finally come to a conclusion but ultimately when all is said and done if we didn’t take chances or risks, our stories would be pretty bland.  If we don’t step outside of what we know, how are we ever going to be able to figure out what we want?  So to that I say, close your eyes, choke down all your fears, and take step forward.  The fall might be scary or it can be the most exciting thing you ever do but hopefully the story afterwards will be worth the jump.

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