Friday, October 21, 2011


9/2 – Part Two
Well after a crazy day of travel and plenty of time zone changes, I’m definitely tired and maybe a little delirious but ultimately I'm about to reach my final destination.  There is always something exciting about looking out the window of a plane as it gets ready to land.  If it’s the start of your journey, the plane landing means your adventure is about to begin.  The city outside the window is new and full of undiscovered possibilities.  However, if it is the end of your trip, outside the plane window is a picture of familiar buildings and comforting sites all simply saying, "Welcome back. We missed you". 
When I left for this trip, I couldn’t wait to go.  It was so appealing to be doing something that had absolutely nothing in common with the life I lived every day.  Now, as I prepare to end my journey in the place where I started it, I find myself eager to get back to the world I left behind.  They say sometimes you don’t know what you have until it’s gone and while I’ve only been gone a short time, I can safely say, I don’t need any more time away to realize just how good I have it. 
Over the past year, I’ve been on this mission to set myself up to be more of the person I want to be and live my life according to my own rules, but somewhere along the lines I noticed that even though I was changing, I was also starting to see what I had more clearly.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we waste so much time focusing on the things we don’t have or the things that go wrong in our lives but if we stop complaining and start being thankful for what we do have, I think you would see your life a lot differently too.   
So as approach my starting point, I’m ready to go back.  While it was nice to step away from it for a while, I really do love my life.  I wouldn’t trade the past two weeks for anything in the world the world becuase I definitely learned a lot more than I ever expected but tonight when the plane begins to descend toward the Philadelphia city lights, I’ll be happy to let them welcome me home.

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