Friday, October 14, 2011

Keep Doing It!

One of the greatest joys in life is when people surprise you.  Now I’m not talking surprise party or gift but a truly shocking gesture.  Sometimes unexpected people step up and support you when you need it. 
For the last few weeks I’ve been working to raise funds for a walk I’m participating in for the American Cancer Society.  Periodically, I’ll check on my donation totals and I’ve seen some familiar names.  Friends who I knew would be there to support me because they are always there for me.  I am extremely lucky to have these people in my life and appreciate them more than they may ever know.  And not to discredit those that did know would help me but I’ve been pleasantly surprised to see some unfamiliar names pop up on my list. 
There can honestly be a million reasons why someone would want to make a donation to my walk fund.  Maybe Breast Cancer effected their lives in some way or they just wanted to give to the cause and I happened to be collecting but I do think that when people make a gesture to support you to do the things you want to do, whether they intend to or not, they are saying that no matter how well they know you, they believe in you.  I don’t care how confident you are or how much you believe in yourself, it’s always important to have those people behind you saying whatever it is that you are doing, keep doing it. 
October is breast cancer awareness month so get your PINK on by donating to the American Cancer Society!  I’ll be walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk so either search for my name and credit your donation to me or make a general contribution.  Do it for every sister, mother, wife, girlfriend, daughter or any woman in your life! 

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