Friday, October 14, 2011


Well I’m officially a retired construction worker!  Today was my last day on the job the site and just like yesterday, I find myself feeling mixed emotions.  I’m sad to say goodbye to my new friends, happy to be seeing the people I left back home soon, relieved to know that I made it through this experience, and thankful for being able to have had this opportunity.  Overall, I am going to miss New Zealand and the group that lived this experience with me because it will never be like this again.
Yesterday I wrote about living for now rather than living in the past or for what comes next and today I see that more than ever.  I loved every second of this experience and now in a matter of hours, it will all be over.  If I had spent every day while I was here dwelling on mistakes of the past or looking forward to what I would do once this was over, I would have missed it all.  It’s easy to focus on the now when you are on vacation but what I hope I will be able to do once I get home is remember that if I’m always looking back or forward, I will miss out on enjoying what is happening around me. 
Hopefully you’ll get more of reflection from me on the whole trip tomorrow but for right now all I can say is that at the end of this, I’m extremely grateful for everything I will take away from this experience.   I think I did I the best I could and tried to really push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of.  I don’t feel that I wasted a minute of this adventure and instead of focusing on what is going to happen tomorrow, I’m just going to enjoy the rest of the time I have.  Tomorrow is coming no matter what I do.  It will be here before I know it so why rush it? 

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