Sunday, January 30, 2011

Attitude Reorganization

Everyone has days when they wake up and dread the idea of going to work but over the past few months, I was having more of those days than ever.  Even though I’m happy to have a job, I didn’t have the same love for it that I once had until recently something changed my attitude. 
I am corporate meeting planner.  When I graduated college, I knew this was the career I wanted to get into and after years of building up the experience I needed, I finally had the opportunity.   Originally I was hired to handle all tradeshow involvement, company meetings, and corporate events.   Over the years since I started, my company had undergone several reorganizations.   Each time we had a restructuring, I have been told that I would be doing more marketing tasks in order to incorporate me more with my department and give me additional responsibility.  While I was happy to accept the challenge, I was moving further and further away from the doing the things I originally signed on to do.  It had taken me over three years since I graduated college to land my “dream job” and with each change in management I was slowly watching it fade away.  I found myself doing less and less of what I was originally hired for, which resulted in my unhappiness with my career.
 However, a few weeks ago, I experienced yet another reorg.  It was less drastic one than those I had gone through in the past but it still affected me directly.   I had a new manager to work with and suddenly everything changed.  This person believed in me and I was back to spending my time focusing on the things I wanted to be doing.   He thought I was good at what I did and that made me want to be even better.  I found myself working harder than I ever have and want to go above and beyond to be successful.   I'm busy but I love it.  
I started to think that if reorganization can help me find joy in my career again, maybe I could apply that theory to other aspects of my life to generate the same affect.   I’m starting with my living arrangement.  Since I’ve moved into my apartment almost two years ago, it’s been exactly the same.  So this weekend I devoted my efforts to changing things around.  It’s nothing really major but just a few adjustments to hopefully rejuvenate me. 
Being happy is a state of mind.  If you are unhappy with something in your life, don’t be afraid to be proactive in seeking out the change needed to put you back in a better place.  Sometimes we need things that are out of our control to change like getting a new manager at work or a promotion.  Other times we change our state of mind all by ourselves.   If you’re not happy with how you look, maybe it’s a new diet or work out plan that will make you feel better or changing up your wardrobe that will refresh you.   Maybe it’s your home that is leaving you feeling less than thrilled with life so stop by Ikea to grab some new furniture or change a room around.  A little reorganization in our lives might go a long way to help adjust our attitude.  Before you know it, you might just be happy again.
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln

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