Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get In The Car

Yesterday I was asked to return a rental car for my boss.   Instantly I felt myself transcend into a state of pure panic.  I’m not a very good driver.  I am an accident prone driver, a nervous driver, a slow driver, sometimes a stop and go driver but overall good is one description I would not give my driving.  In fact, if at all possible, I avoid driving.  But as I drove along the unfamiliar Florida highways, facing my phobias while praying that I would not get in an accident, I started thinking just how much life is like driving. 
Driving down the road of life can be scary at times.  We experience all kinds of obstacles and excitement.  Sometimes we get flat tires or hit a bump in the road and other times, we sail down the highway, traffic free with the windows down on a beautiful day while enjoying a great song on the radio.
Currently, I’m not rolling in happiness or excitement but I’ve reached a point where life is happening and although it’s enjoyable, I’m pretty much just riding in neutral.  No real ups or downs just cruising along while flipping through the radio stations trying to find something good to sing along to.  It may be a little bit of a mundane road trip but for someone who was content to sit in the passenger seat of her own life for so long, at least I'm finally driving.
This weekend, I was reminded of hazards of the road.  I have a friend who recently had her life take a turn for the worse.  While I watched her struggle to maneuver the twists and turns of the road, I felt so bad because I have been there.  The road ahead of you seems to stretch for miles and all you can see are orange cones and detours telling you the path you planned to take is currently “under construction”.  I don’t know what it is but most of the time you feel like you just can’t catch a break.  As the rain of misfortune pelts your car, all you can do is throw on your windshield wipers and wait for the storm to pass. 
Sunday night my travels led me to a cocktail party for work and I found myself surrounded by people driving on a more positive stretch of highway.  I started with my company three years ago and back then our sales meetings were long days of meetings followed by late nights out at the bars.  Everyone was young, single and care free.  Now, as I looked around the room, I couldn’t believe how far they had all travelled down the road in such a short time.  Conversations that once centered around sorted stories of hangovers and parties were replaced with baby pictures and wedding recaps.  These people I had known for years had evolved into more mature, polished versions.  However, even though most of them have traded in their BMWs for minivans, they were still ultimately driving down the road we are all traveling on; they are just hitting less traffic right now.   
As you take your journey through life, buckle up and just keep driving.  Don't just settle for riding in the passenger seat because you are afraid of what the road might hold.  Yes there will be bumps in the road or hills we will have to get over.  There may be construction or detours standing in our way but eventually we all get to where we are going.  If you get lost, don’t be too stubborn to pull over and ask for directions.  There may not be a GPS available to guide you on your way but there are plenty of people willing to help you get back on course.   When you hit the high points of your road trip, try to enjoy the ride.   Although the road may seem flat right now, eventually we will need to take ourselves off cruise control so we should just enjoy the calm while it lasts.   And don’t forget, you never know what lies ahead so proceed with caution because life can change around every corner.   
“On the road of life, there are passengers and there are drivers.  Drivers wanted!” – Volkswagen Slogan

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