Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Don’t Like Bloody Marys

I don’t like Bloody Marys.  Now before you start thinking that you wasted your time logging in to read this earth shattering news, I promise if you keep reading I do have a point.
So I don’t like Bloody Marys.  Every time I’ve been offered one, I turn it down politely saying “I don’t like Bloody Marys”.  Last week when I was at lunch with my cousin, we ordered beers and shortly after he realized that there was a Sunday special on Bloody Marys.  He seemed upset that he hadn’t realized it because he would have gotten one and per usual, I responded, “I don’t like Bloody Marys”. 
Sure that’s a perfectly acceptable response, if you really don’t like Bloody Marys but as I thought about it, I realized I’ve never even tried the drink.  Something about the tomato juice based cocktail just never appealed to me leading me to pass when offered one.  The truth is I probably should like Bloody Marys.  When it comes to food I believe that spicier is better, I have no aversion to tomatoes, and vodka and I are definitely on good terms so all signs would point to me and Bloody Mary’s having a very favorable relationship.  But still the thought of the tomato juice concoction turned my stomach. 
This is just one more case in my life where I have decided that I do or don’t like something based on my assumptions.  Yes this is a small thing but still I am shutting down the possibility of enjoying something because of the conclusion I have drawn in my head with no viable proof to back it up.  That stops now.
I made a promise on Sunday at lunch that come Thanksgiving, Sean and I would be drinking Bloody Marys.  And that’s exactly what I did.  Two reddish cocktails with Old Bay Seasoning coating the rim of the glass were made on that Thursday and as I held it in my hand, the look and smell once again made me want to pass on the drink. 
When I took my first sip, I was pleasantly surprised.  It was good!  It tasted nothing like I expected it to and I was happy about that.  However, as I continued drinking, I slowly began to discover that even though one or two sips of this drink were good, the idea of downing the whole glass seemed nauseating.  I was full and although it tasted fine, I couldn’t keep drinking.
Often we tend to draw conclusions that we don’t like things when really we don’t know if we do or do not because we haven’t actually tried them.  We just assume that fact and therefore could be missing out on something really amazing.  Although I am realistic and know that I will not try everything in life, I would definitely like to be more willing to test things out before I jump to conclusions about them.  Some things might be small like Bloody Marys and other things might be bigger but regardless of the size of the matter in which I am trying, I want to take the chance. 
Now when offered a Bloody Mary, I will revert to an old line that my brother would use as a kid when avoiding eating something and simply answer, “I like it but I just don’t want it”.  I’m glad to know that I do like Bloody Marys and the option to have one will always be there if I choose but I’m more proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone.  It’s just one small step that will hopefully lead to trying out bigger things in the future.
"Never be afraid to try something new.  Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic" - Author Unknown
Just a little proof :)

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