Monday, May 30, 2011

Adjusting Your Game Plan

So my posts lately have been a little few and far between because for the first time I’m really questioning this whole process. I’ve had a lot of barriers blocking my way recently and it got me thinking that maybe I can’t change myself or my life no matter how much I want to.

I’ve been feeling a bit down on myself and this whole project especially since I feel like I’ve really put in the blood, sweat and tears to make things happen and still I’m stuck on the hamster wheel running round and round in circles moving nowhere. But tonight I realized that maybe it’s not what I’m doing but how I’m doing it that is the problem.

My uncle has this story about my cousin when he was playing lacrosse that he told tonight that brought me back to where I need to be. Basically, Sean was playing in a lacrosse game his senior year in high school and a player on the opposing team kept running down the field and scoring on Sean’s team over and over again with the same exact play. After 6 goals, Sean caught on and when that particular player tried to use the same move the seventh time, he stepped in a stopped him.

I know this story doesn’t sound like much but a real athlete or competitor doesn’t just stop or feel sorry for themselves when things aren’t working for them but rather they adjust their offense or change their defense to make sure the opposing team doesn’t keep scoring on them. In the end, I want this project to be successful so maybe I need to figure out what it is that is standing in my way and learn how to make the adjustments needed to get past those obstacles and score.

"I have everything to lose by not getting up to fight.  I might get used to giving up, so I'm showing up tonight." - Go One More by Superchick

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