Sunday, May 8, 2011

Past Our Prime?

This past weekend I was invited to attend a wedding in State College, PA and as I made my return to Happy Valley, I kept thinking that no matter how much I love that place, it will always bring back the past.  Every inch of that town is filled with memories.  Everywhere I turn, something reminds me of another time in my life. 
Ironically, my Friday ended with my return to Penn State but it started with a conversation with someone who was such a big part of my PSU life.  As I spent about an hour catching my with my college boyfriend, we reminisced about days gone by and he mentioned something that really seemed to stick with me.  In short, he referred to those days as our prime which made me wonder, did we peak already?  Are our best days behind us?  Are we, dare I say it, past our prime?
Maybe you were in the best shape of your life in high school or college.  Maybe you were the most successful in your early 20’s or you reached your athletic prime during your little league days, but like a fine wine, shouldn’t we get better with age?  As much as I loved my time in college and the person I was back then, I’m ok to leave that girl back in State College.  That time in my life was great but I’m fairly confident that the best is yet to come.

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