Saturday, May 14, 2011

Live A Little

I think it’s safe to say that most of the time, people will turn down last minute invitations to events.  Sometimes it’s because you already have other plans and sometimes it might be just because of the short notice.  Then there are those times that a just around the corner opportunity comes your way and you check your calendar only see that you have the date wide open so you think to yourself, why not?
Well this week, I had a why not moment.  An unexpected invitation came my way earlier this week for this weekend and instantly a million things ran through my mind.  I should save the money.  Gas is getting really expensive.  I was just away last weekend.  I’ve been so tired this week so maybe I should catch up on sleep.  I have the early volleyball game Sunday so I’ll have to pick up the gym key that morning.  Overall, there were so many reasons why I shouldn’t just hop in the car and take off on Saturday but none of them could trump the one major reason I should go and that was that I wanted to.  For once, I had nothing scheduled, this trip wasn’t planned, and I could either sit around getting the full $10 worth out of my Netflix membership or I could just go. 
I’ve talked a lot about not always worrying about planning every single thing you do or every aspect of your life and once again I come back to that idea.  Just because something isn’t marked down on a calendar weeks in advance, doesn’t mean it will be any less exciting or fun.  Just because you got a text the week of versus an official evite a month before, doesn’t mean that you should turn down the invitation based on principle.  If you do, let me know how much fun you and principle have spending a Saturday night together. 
95% of our lives will be lived plotted out and organized but hopefully that other 5% will be spent just living your life for the moment.  Some of the best things in life can be totally spontaneous.  My Ipod is load with new songs, my bags are packed, and my gas tank is full.  I’m going to go…enjoy your “plans” for the weekend!
“I need to live a little, have some fun.  Take some time, waste it on number one.” – Kenny Chesney

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