Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank You

Franklin Delano Roosevelt uttered the immortal words proclaiming that December 7th, 1941 is a day that will live in infamy.  Many Americans will likely never forget the events of November 22nd, 1963 or April 4th, 1968.  The images of September 11th, 2001 have been permanently burned into our minds and today we add May 1st, 2011 to the list of days we will be hard pressed to ever forget.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor, the assassinations of President Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, and the September 11th attacks are all pages in our history books along with the Apollo 11 moon landing, the Watergate Scandal, the passing of the Civil Rights Act, D Day, and many other notable moments that make up the back story of the United States of America.  And now, whether you heard President Obama’s announcement last night or woke up to the news this morning, yesterday will forever be a day that will stand out in our memories. 
For many in this country, it was a day they had waited almost 10 years to see.  For some it is a day that they hoped for for all their loved ones that will never get to see this moment because of the events of that fateful September day.  While tomorrow and what happens next are still to be determined, for today, we can take pride in our country and the efforts of troops, and for the rest of our lives, we will remember the feelings, where we were and what we were doing on that prominent day in our nation’s history. 
Thank you to all the men and women who courageously defend our country.  Thank you to all the wives, husbands, children, and families of these soldiers who selflessly share your heroes with us.  Thank you to all the fallen who gave everything they had to ensure that all Americans would continue to be safe.  There will never enough words to express the true gratitude our troops deserve but thank you is a good place to start.    
“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.  And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” – Lee Greenwood, Proud To Be An American

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