Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Live Throws You Curves.

In the Rascal Flatts song These Days, there is a line that says, “Life throws you curves, but you learn to swerve” and I think that’s a pretty good summary of life.  Things contantly don’t end up going the way we expect them to so we keep trying to figure out how to maneuver when life doesn’t go according to plan.  Usually, it's about dealing with the less than idea hand that we've been dealt but every once in a while you hit a bend in the road that seems to throw you for a loop at first but leaves you wondering, why you ever thought you would want things any differently.
Sometimes things sneak up on you.  They surprise you when you least expect it.  Two months ago, I wrote a post about my volleyball team and I realized early on that I was in for a LONG season.  I really thought that if I made it to the end of the season without breaking down, I would consider myself lucky.  Now here I am, 8 weeks later and another season has come to an end but I couldn’t be further from that initial feeling.  I never expected that this team, the one that seemed like such a challenge and at times a punishment, would be a team that I am honored to be a part of. 
Six years ago, I started coaching because I wanted to make a difference, wanted to teach something, and above all else, I wanted to ensure that whomever I coached had fun.  I’ve been very fortunate to have some wonderful teams and get to work with some great kids.  I had always considered coaching to be one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life but somewhere along the line, I got away from that feeling and it started feel like it was more of a burden than a pleasure. Then this team came along and I thought I might have just worn out my welcome and stayed a little too long at the party because coaching just wasn’t fun anymore it.  It was exhausting trying to get people to show up, annoying having to go to games where we would forfeit, and frustrating feeling like I was more of a babysitter this year than ever. 
On Sunday we played a playoff game.  I went into the gym that night expecting nothing but left it after playing a game that I will never forget.  I had never seen a team play with more heart and desire to win.  They supported each other and left everything they had on the court.  It was like living in a real life sports movie where the underdog comes from out of nowhere to do the unexpected and become a champion.  In the end, we came up short but we fought for every point and battled for every second of that game.  Usually when I lose a game, I get a disappointed feeling and I second guess the choices I made, wondering what I could have done to change the outcome, but not this time.  I didn’t have any regrets or after thoughts.  I gave it the best shot that I could and I couldn’t have asked for anything more from my team than what they gave me.  I don’t think there has been a moment in all my years of coaching where I have been more proud of a team than I was after that game.  This team brought me back to remembering why I loved coaching so much in the first place.
After the game, I looked around at all their faces and even though they were disappointed, I could tell that the experience they just had would be one they would always remember.  As much as I hope that one day they look back and remember me as someone who made a difference in their lives, I hope they know that I will always remember them as people who made a difference in mine.  I didn’t expected this feeling but then again I never expected this team.
I went into this season thinking that this time of my life had past it's prime but once again life threw me a curve.  I needed this season and this team, more than I could have realized prior to now.   Sometimes the curves or the surprises in life can be even better than following the straight ahead path.   We all have to learn to swerve but when we do, we might just find ourselves driving along an expected road which can lead to amazing things.  We might just find something that we've been looking for. 

"I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are led.  To those who help us most to grow, if we let them, and we help them in return.  Well, I don't know if I believe that's true, but I know I'm who I am today, because I knew you" - Wicked

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