Thursday, February 10, 2011

MVP In The Big Easy

This past weekend, was definitely a challenge.  Last time you heard from me, I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.  Everything was going wrong for me but luck can change in an instant or in my case overnight.
 I spent all night Friday restless, praying for a miracle and when I woke up Saturday, everything just seemed to fall into place.  My overnighted materials sent to replace the missing items arrived just in time.  I stayed up half the night submitting jobs to the Kinko’s website to have copies printed and even though it was supposed to be done at noon, it was done before the show even opened that morning.  I did everything I could possibly do to help correct this unfortunate situation and I was able to get enough together to pull off a really great show.  Our true success will be measured by the amount of business we generate from this event but I am confident that in the end, we will have exceeded all expectations.
Looking back on the weekend, it wasn’t easy but when is life ever easy?!  Sometimes we have to step up and prove to even ourselves that we are capable of being great.  So on Superbowl weekend, Aaron Rodgers wasn’t the only person putting forth an MVP worthy effort.  I definitely think I was an MVP this past weekend and in true Superbowl fashion, “I’m going to Disney World!” Ok well it was New Orleans but you get the picture.  With the work part of this trip well under control, I was able to enjoy the amazing city I was in. 
All cities have a unique style and flare about them but New Orleans was like nothing I’ve ever seen before.  The architecture, the people, the food, and the life style were incredible and I really wanted to take advantage of being in this intoxicating city.  I ate at Emeril’s, had a Po’boy, did a little gambling and bought a voodoo doll (stay on my good side!).  I drank a hurricane from Pat O’Brien’s, partied on Bourbon Street and shopped in the French Quarter. Overall, I think I did it up right in the NOLA.
When faced with a disaster, you have figure out a way to rebuild.  Ironically, New Orleans knows a thing or two about rebuilding!   Everywhere you go in that city you see one reminder after another of what hard work can do to combat the obstacles that life will throw at you.  I’m glad I didn’t give up when my task seemed impossible and I’m proud of myself for working hard to make the best out the situation I was given.   Jimmy Buffett said, “And you find as a writer there are certain spots on the planet where you write better than others, and I believe in that.  And New Orleans is one of them.”   Well maybe there is some truth to that.  Maybe New Orleans can bring out the best in you, no matter what it is that you do or maybe it’s just a city.  All I know is that this past weekend, I was great in New Orleans.
"We made big plays when we needed to make big plays, maybe not the way we drew it up but as long as you make them, that's all that matters." - Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints Quarterback

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