Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine

Today is Valentine’s Day.  To some this will be the most romantic day of the year.  It is the day when you can be outwardly mushy with no criticism because you’re supposed to be over the top lovey dovey on Valentine’ Day.  However, for others it will be the most difficult day of the year.  It will be the day when you are reminded that while the whole world is in love, you’re not.  Depending upon which team you are playing on this year, February 14th could be your best or worst day.  Instead of getting into where I’m at with Valentine’s Day this year, I’ve decided to take you back to the highs and lows of this holiday in my world. 
For me, it doesn’t take a lot to get to my heart.  I’m not a flashy girl and I don’t need over priced roses or Tiffany’s boxes from my Valentine.  It’s easy to whip out a credit card or make a dinner reservation but I say let Valentine’s Day come from your heart.  That’s why Valentine’s Day 2003 stands out in my head as the best Valentine’s Day I’ve had.  I was a junior in college and my boyfriend at the time, blew me away with the most thoughtful night anyone has ever put together for me.  While most guys just take their girls out to fancy dinners and movies, my boy spent the day learning how to cook from the cook at his fraternity all so he could make me dinner.  When I showed up that night, I was surprised by an amazing home cooked meal complete with personalized homemade menu.  The gift for the evening was nothing more than a movie that I had wanted but I couldn’t imagine getting anything better.  Everything about that night was simple but that was us.  He put his whole heart into that night and I felt so lucky to have someone love me that much.  On a scale of one to ten, this Valentine’s Day was a 12.
Now to the flip side of the Valentine’s Day coin.  My worst Valentine’s Day was February 14th 2006.  I’m sure most of you are expecting some sob story about me being alone on Valentine’s Day but that’s not exactly how it went.  In fact, I had a Valentine that year.  My boyfriend and I had just gone through a really rocky patch but it finally felt like things were turning around for us.  I kept trying to figure out what he was planning for Valentine’s but he was very cryptic about it and as the day approached, I started to realize that he really didn’t have anything planned.  I was exceptionally disappointed knowing that we would be doing nothing to celebrate the holiday.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when he took me to an amazing hotel that had these luxury suites all decorated in different elaborate themes.  There was a medieval theme, an Egyptian theme, a tribal theme, and so many more but ours was decorated in a beach theme.  We had an amazing dinner and night out at this beautiful place and I couldn’t believe that I ever doubted that he would rise to the occasion and wow me on Valentine’s Day.  I was so happy until a week later.  That was when I found out he had taken his ex-girlfriend to the very same hotel and planned the exact same night just one week before he took me.  I had never felt so disgusted and not special in my entire life.  Not only was he cheating on me but he was giving me a date that wasn’t ever intended for me.  Needless to say, I was no longer happy or in love.  To rank this one would be pretty impossible because it’s a negative 1000 in my book.
Ok so you’re probably thinking, now is where I tell you what my Valentine’s Day 2011 is going to be like.  Well, think again.  The only thing I’m going to say is that if my 2011 Valentine’s Day falls somewhere in between my best and my worst, I’ll be ok with that. 

Maybe this holiday is nothing more than an excuse for florists to sell more roses, candy companies to make a killing on chocolate, and Hallmark to destroy a bunch of trees to print up sappy greeting cards but it really is a nice idea in theory.  Sure you should show the people in your life that you care about them every day of the year but we don’t always do that.  So often we say I love you when we hang up the phone or when we say goodbye to someone but we do it just out of force of habit.  Today, tell someone in your life you love them and mean it.  If you’re in love, do something heartfelt.  Make this Valentine’s Day about giving a piece of your heart and not a piece of your paycheck.  If you aren’t in love, it doesn’t mean you aren’t loved.  Share this day with friends or family you care about or do something special for yourself because even when you have no one else, you will always be able to depend on yourself which is definitely something to appreciate.   To everyone, may this be your best Valentine’s Day yet and if it’s not, here’s to much better ones to come!  Happy Valentine’s Day!
If you’re in love today:
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

If you’re celebrating Single’s Awareness Day:
“Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.” – Sex in the City

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