Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Creating Visible Change

I’ve spent the last few months really trying to focus on the idea of change.  I’ve worked a lot on myself and while I feel like I’ve definitely been committed to making things happen, lately I’ve begun to feel like it might just be true what they say that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  I think the fact that I felt like I was doing the things I set out to do but wasn’t seeing any huge difference is what was really getting to me so I came to the conclusion that maybe I was missing a key part to this whole process.

Yes, it is important to change yourself internally, for example your outlook on life or the way you approach achieving your desired outcomes and throughout this process, I’ve definitely worked on my internal self.  I’ve tried new things, checked some things I wanted to do off the list, identified the things that I really want out of life, and reevaluated my priorities to name a few, but I have completely neglected the essential external things that need to change in order to allow me to "see" a difference in my life.  By this I mean that making changes to the visible aspects of your life will help to create more of a feeling that things are happening. 
So I’ve decided to take this advice to heart and run with it.  In addition to continuing to work toward pursuing my dreams, expanding my knowledge base, and creating the life I want, I am going to work towards making my external life more of how I would like it to be.  I’ll be doing home repairs and revamps (like remodeling but without the crazy amount of work and expense), working on the physical appearance, figuring out financial matters, and basically learning how to get my visible self together to great a new version of me.
The goal of this is to get my life in order and create a physical presence that will promote change and help me continue to feel motivated to go for what I want because I see that things are changing around me.  I’m trying to reaffirm the fact that change is possible if you work hard and make it happen.  As I experiment with several different areas of my tangible life, I hope you’ll all join me for the ride and maybe you’ll even pick up some things that you can apply to your own worlds.  It is easy to get defeated if there is no real proof that something is happening but if you can create a constant reminder for yourself that this time in your life is going to be different, I guarantee you that in time it will be. 
"There's a long drive straight through the night, startin' out the window, lookin' for the first signs of daylight.  Just hold on tight, with all your might, see it takes the time it takes to get it right" - Tony Lucca, True Story

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