Monday, June 20, 2011

All The Small Things

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written a lot about this idea of “visible change”.   I just felt I needed to see some sort of results in order to keep the momentum that I have going to evolve into the person I want to be but over the past few days as I tired to figure out how to create this "visible change" in my world, I realized that there is more to this concept then even I first thought.
I started this whole project because I felt that I was holding on to too many things that were letting me go.  I was stuck in revolving door relationships that were based more on the fictitious feelings that I had created in my head rather than real concrete facts.  My career and living situation were not where I expected them to be and I was constantly feeling the stress of running around in circles on a hamster wheel but never getting anywhere no matter how much I wanted to be moving forward.  The pretty picture in my head wasn’t materializing and it became very clear to me that I had to wipe out that image in my mind and be open to whatever came my way. 
So I started by letting go.  Letting go of the things I was desperately trying to keep but were never really mine to have in the first place.  Then I decided that I had to grow as a person by going for the things that I wanted but for some reason never really followed through with.  I started this with so many dreams and ideas and wanted to prove that if I worked hard and wanted them bad enough, they could happen.  However, it takes the little things to make the big things.  I was only looking for these big, over the top, life altering changes to happen and forgetting about all the little things that go into making those larger things come about. 
In order to build a house you can’t start with the roof.  You have to lay a solid foundation, which you then build upon and the same goes for people.  Every tiny step toward change makes a difference and you need to start at the beginning.  I wanted to see some sort of change in my life with this idea of visible change but these are things I should have started with.  These are the items that make up the solid foundation that I need to have in order to build the new version of myself and my life.  Letting go is a good place to start and personal growth is a good place to end but now it’s time to tackle everything in between.  It's time to take care of all the small things (thank you Blink 182!).
"It's the little details that are vital.  Little things make big things happen." - John Wooden

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