Wednesday, November 30, 2011

To Be Continued...

The other day, my cousin said to me, “Hey, I hear you stopped your blog.”  I will admit, it’s been a little while since I’ve posted but it’s not for lack of writing.
Shortly after my last post, I wrote another one.  It was pretty much a recap to what was a wonderful 365 day period in my life.  Overall, the journey was more about the path to get to the destination than the final product itself but instead of posting that piece, I saved it to my computer.  I put post to my blog on my to do list every day since and every day, I find myself unable to post it simply because I’m not sure where to go next.
You see, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, but the purpose of this blog was to make me really commit to becoming who I wanted to be and in hindsight, this was definitely my year.  But even though that might address the issue of 365 days being able to change your life, it still leaves me with the inevitable question, what now?
As I stand at that crossroad with several different options in front of me, I find myself still conflicted as to where I go from here, however, I can say one thing and that is that I’m not quite done yet.  Whether I end this site here, keep going documenting my life, or continue moving forward on my own, I know that I will be doing it as the best version of myself which is what I ultimately set out to accomplish this year.  My status is to be determined but regardless of where I take this journey and this blog, I can safely say that it has taken me above and beyond anywhere I thought it would at this time last year. 
So for now, my orginial goal is complete but my journey is to be continued...

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