Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beautiful People

The other day I got what might have been the best compliment of my entire life.  Someone who barely knew me called me a beautiful person inside and out.  He wasn’t hitting on me, he had nothing to gain by paying me this praise, and he didn’t want anything from me in return for his kind words.  Pretty much he just made a observation based on the time we spent togther but one I’ve secretly been waiting for my entire life.
I’ve said it before but for a long time I struggled with not being good enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, and basically just not enough.  While the world may have seen me completely differently, that’s how I saw myself.  This past year I decided to stop telling myself that I wasn’t enough and started telling myself I was.  More importantly, I blocked out all those people who helped contribute to my feelings of inadequacy.  I just started trying to be the best person I could be based on the type of person I wanted to be.  I will never be model beautiful or the smartest girl in the room.  There may always be someone more gifted than I am or more caring but I at the end of the day, no one else gets to be me and that’s exactly who I want to be because that’s someone worth knowing. 
After that compliment, I was a little taken back.  No one has ever said that to me, especially not lately and it wasn’t that I needed the self-esteem boost but I have to say it was nice to hear.  It’s easy to tell someone you think they are attractive or physically beautiful but there is so much more to people that often gets over shadowed by the exterior.  I want to be a beautiful person in all aspects of my person and it was satisfying to know that someone saw me in that light. 
So I got to thinking about all the beautiful people in my life and how I’ve never told them how truly gorgeous I think they are in every sense of the word.  Why is it that we are always willing to tell someone if they look bad in an outfit or are making a fool of themselves but we don’t tell them how truly great they are for simply being who they are?  Sometimes a few kind words are just that to one person but mean the world to another.
"Don’t throw on all that make-up for me.  There ain’t a single part of you I wouldn’t want to see.  You see make-up only makes up for what’s lacking on the inside and you ain’t lacking babe.” – Honestly for You, Tony Lucca

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