Tuesday, September 27, 2011

NEW ZEALAND TRIP POST: Stretching Comfortable

Well it’s finally Friday and I made it through my first week with Habitat for Humanity!  With one week down and just one more week left, I find myself sitting here thinking back on the reasons why I decided to come on this trip in the first place.
Amazing Group of People!!!
When we had our first morning meeting before we started working, my leaders announced that we would be passing around a journal.  Each day someone would have to take the notebook at the morning meeting and write something in it before passing it off to someone new at the evening meeting.  By the end of the trip we all will have written something in the book.  There are no restrictions on what we can write and no criteria for what we have to so basically, anything goes.
When I got the book last night, I wasn’t sure what exactly to write.  I thought back to a post I wrote for this blog prior to coming on this adventure and felt a little inspired.  Before I left, I wrote that part of my reason for going on this trip was because I needed to be uncomfortable.  Well, for the past week everything I’ve been doing has been completely out of my element.  I’ve left the country, leaving behind the family and friends that I am used to and see on a regular basis.  I stepped out from behind my computer and my desk to spend my days working on a construction site doing work that is a million miles away from ordinary.  I don’t even hang my own pictures in my apartment, let alone hang roofing titles.  Even the food is different and a little scary for a cautious (not picky but not overly adventurous) eater.  I guess you can pretty much imagine that all this would add up to equal the complete definition of uncomfortable.  Well, if you gave me this description a week ago, I probably would have agreed with that statement but now I’m feeling a lot of things, however, uncomfortable isn’t one of them.

You can find friends where ever you go.

As I sit here and try to come up with something to write before I go to my meeting, I realized one very important fact.  This week I’ve learned that maybe I am a lot more capable than I ever thought I was.  I’ve discovered that people, even if they don’t know your back story, can still feel like they’ve known you forever in just an instant. New can be scary or different or challenging but maybe you have to go halfway around the world to see just how far your comfort zone really stretches.

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