Monday, September 12, 2011


Monday comes a little faster when you skip ahead a day and typically Monday means another week full of days spent at a desk.  Every morning, I drink my coffee and type on my computer.  I take my lunch break and come back in the afternoon to more of the same.  Around 5pm, I remove myself from my chair, pack up my laptop, turn off the desk lamp and leave the building behind for yet another day.  Today, I am I million miles away from ordinary. 
We know what we can do.  We know that because its either what we have done or what we feel we are good at.  We gravitate towards jobs or hobbies that play to our strengths but if we didn’t do something completely out of the ordinary every once in a while, how would we know exactly what hidden talents we might actually possess.  By no means do I think that I am a sorority girl hiding a secret flair for all things construction oriented but I do think that I’ve never really tried anything in that field so who am I to rule it out. 
I woke up this morning knowing that for the next two weeks, I would be living in a completely different world.  I would be living a life that very few, including myself, would have expected me to live.  I think that was part of the appeal.  At the end of this trip, I will not be retooling my resume and looking for home remodeling jobs but I will walk away hopefully surprised at myself and how I rose to the challenge that was put in front of me. 

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