Thursday, July 7, 2011

Putting Your Best You Forward

Last week I outlined my home reorganization plans and to be honest, you may wonder why the heck you wasted your time reading about me cleaning my house but it really goes beyond cleaning.  Have you ever felt out of control in your life?  Have you ever felt like you know the kind of life you want but you just don't know how to get there?  Well to regain control, you have to take control of the things you can and that will in turn set you up on the road to becoming the person you want to be.  Something as simple as setting your home up can be the first step towards putting your best you forward. 
Whether its job frustration, matters of the heart, physical issues or financial problems, life can come at us pretty hard.  A lot of the time it’s almost as if we are walking a tight rope every day, just trying to maintain that perfect balance but things are coming at us left and right trying to knock us off the wire.  As much as we would like to think we have all the answers, we don’t.  There is constantly another question to answer or challenge to face and at the end of the day, it can leave us pretty drained and defeated.  Sometimes it’s tempting to say let’s just throw caution and control out the window and do whatever it is we feel like but unfortunately, we can’t live like that forever. 
That is exactly why it is important to start to manage specific areas of your life.  Since I reorganized things in my home, the chaotic feeling I had prior has practically vanished.  I know where things are now, my space is maximized and I don’t have that defeated feeling haunting me when I walk in my apartment.  And most importantly, the changes I’ve made have impacted the other areas of my life. 
For example, my diet is better because I am cooking a lot more now because I reorganized my kitchen.  Having cleaned out my fridge, I have more room and have filled it with better choices such as fresh fruits and vegetables.  I have also maximized the space in my cabinets and drawers, finding a home for everything I have in my tiny kitchen.  Because there aren’t dishes in the sink, cluttered counter tops, or overflowing cabinets, I feel motivated to cook because I don’t have to worry about cleaning before I do or not having the room to actually prepare food.  My office area is no longer a dumping ground for mail or junk I don’t know what to do with.  By adding a filing box for bills and mail, I have a place to sort that when I get it so that it doesn’t just pile up on top of my desk or in a basket somewhere.  The cords, CDS, and art supplies that were shoved in the drawers and on the shelves are now neatly organized in their own labeled containers and make them easy to find when I need them and put away when I am finished.  Now I can see the top of my desk and have created an ideal space for working.  Overall, by doing this reorganizing, I have said to not only myself but to everyone who will enter my home that I am in control of my space as well as setting myself up to be as productive as I can be.
 It’s a common saying in the workplace that you should dress for the job you want but that theory can apply to so much more than just our careers.  We should be dressing for the life we want.  If I want a successful, put together life, then I have to create the environment to make that happen.  Think about this for a minute.  Have you ever judged a book by its cover?  Or purchased something off the shelf at a store because you liked the packaging?  Has an advertisement in a magazine or TV ever made you consider going out and buying a new shampoo or other product?   If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you just proved my theory correct.  What we present to the world matters.  How we package ourselves and our lives matters.  If it didn’t then you would by the book with the blank red cover instead of the one with all the flashy pictures or you wouldn’t care about the fancy product packing when you select from similar products on a shelf.  It’s not about vanity or being superficial, it’s about putting the best version of you out in the world and who wouldn’t want to live at their best? 
"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah Winfrey 

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